Who Will Be Deceived?


"False Christs"  


That a man should stand up before a congregation and solemnly declare that he is the Messiah, and that the congregation should in all sincerity acclaim and reverence him as such-these are almost incredible events for London in the twentieth century," says the Daily Mail, yet that happened on Sunday night, September 7, at a church in Clapton. They are not, however, such incredible of events as the Mail supposes; for the Saviour expressly warns us against men coming in his name, and saying, "I am Christ." Matt. xxiv. 4, 5. No one who heeds His words need be deceived.  

The present deceiver, the Rev. J. H. Smyth Pigott, who is himself no doubt as much deceived as his followers, is the successor of one "Brother Prince" who achieved notoriety some years ago. On the Sunday night he said: "I who speak to you to-night am that Lord Jesus Christ who died and rose again and ascended into heaven." The congregation unanimously acclaimed him as the Messiah. One of them, a lady rich and well-connected, declaring her belief that the Messiah had come, said:-  

"We looked for Him to come as the Scriptures had foretold, from the sky. But for a year we have been conscious of a great change in him who was Mr. Pigott. We were prepared for his declaration, though nothing was said. . . . .  

Gradually he made veiled allusions to what was coming, and he altered his methods of service-only staying at the meetings to say what was borne in upon him, and then going away.   

"There was no definite pronouncements until a fortnight ago. Then he called the church together and told us the great news. It did not come as a surprise, but as an immense relief. I can say truthfully that we all accepted the solemn fact with thankfulness."   

There we have the secret of the deception: Those who knew the Scriptures did not hold to them. They knew what the Scriptures say about Christ's second coming, yet accepted something in no way corresponding to it. None of these things cast the least discredit upon the Scripture teaching concerning the second coming of Christ; and we need only repeat the words of the apostle: "Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompense of reward." "For yet a little while and He that shall come will come, and will not tarry." These "false Christs" that arise are but signs that the coming of the real Christ is sure.  


"Where Money Is of No Value" 


Where Money Is of No Value. 

-The millionaire steel maker, John Henry, was recently the victim of a railway accident, and, according to the Springfield Republican (U.S.A.) as he lay, crushed and torn, at the little railway station near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, he said, "I will give $100,000 to any one who will save my life." It was a vain offer. As the Republican says, "he might have offered his entire fortune with the same result; the most skillful surgical attention could not save him.   

How forcibly this impresses the words of Psalm xlix. 6, 7: "They that trust in their wealth, and boast themselves in the multitude of their riches; none of them can by any means redeem his brother, nor give to God a ransom for him." Most assuredly not, when all their wealth cannot save their own lives. "Riches profit not in the day of wrath; but righteousness delivereth from death." Prov. xi. 4. 

September 18, 1902 EJW, PTUK 608
