"Just take an aspirin", was a very common practice when I was growing up and apparently still is as this warning from the FDA indicates.
It has been known for many years already
that Aspirin causes serious bleeding in the
stomach and brain, yet the medical people
and drug companies have continued to dish
it out to the largely ignorant mass of people
who "trust the doctors" instead of searching
for themselves the possible hazards of drugs.
I am very glad to see this very recent statement against the use of this most dangerous drug, but
disappointed to see that after they tell us not
to take it, they say it is OK for someone who
has suffered a heart attack or stroke !
The answer to preventing heart attacks and
stroke is to change the menu on our plates
and in our cups ! Also fresh air, enough rest in sleep, and exercise.
Aspirin generated 916 million euros ($1.27 billion) in sales for Bayer last year. Obviously they have no qualms about murdering a few million of us !
Limit Use of Aspirin to Prevent Heart Attack, FDA Says
Aspirin generally shouldn’t be used to prevent heart attacks or stroke for patients with no history of the disease, U.S. regulators said today.
The use of the medicine raises serious risks of bleeding in the stomach and brain, the Food and Drug Administration said in a statement. While evidence shows that aspirin’s benefits for people who have already had a cardiovascular event outweigh the increased risk of bleeding, the data doesn’t support using the drug to help people prevent a first attack, the agency said.
The FDA on May 2 denied a request from Leverkusen, Germany-based Bayer AG (BAYN) to change the labeling on its packaging to market the product for heart-attack prevention for patients with no history of cardiovascular disease. Aspirin generated 916 million euros ($1.27 billion) in sales for Bayer last year.
“Importantly, the ruling does not impact the numerous cardiovascular indications for which aspirin is already approved by the FDA,” Anne Coiley, a spokeswoman for Bayer, said in an e-mail.
Aspirin didn’t help prevent heart attacks or strokes in people with a high risk of heart disease yet don’t show any symptoms, according to a Scottish study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2010. Higher-risk people had a similar number of attacks and strokes as participants taking placebo, the researchers said.
`Not a Blanket'
“It’s a useful statement to warn people that aspirin is not a blanket therapy,” said Allen Taylor, professor at Georgetown University School of Medicine and chief of cardiology at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital and MedStar Washington Hospital Center, in a telephone interview. “It’s not innocuous.”
He said the FDA statement could help patients who often buy aspirin over-the-counter start having conversations with their doctors, or prevent younger, less-at-risk patients from using aspirin. When doctors aren’t prescribing aspirin they will recommend anti-clot drugs like Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. (BMY)’s Plavix that can carry a different set of benefits and risks, Taylor said.