“And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.  

But when they persecute you in this city, flee ye into another: for verily I say unto you,"   

Matthew 10:22-23


Walter Veith

      On October 20, 2012, Walter Veith preached the lecture “King of the North (Part 2)” from the new series Repairing the Breach in German [German title Sturm aus dem Norden] in Marienberg SDA Church in Nurnberg, Germany, to an audience of approximately 350 people. The lecture was also live-streamed to approximately 1500 people. Almost immediately after the presentation, Walter Veith received violent opposition by way of an article by EANN about his claims of Freemason/Jesuit involvement in the creation of the State in Israel after WWII and the way he expressed himself in regards to the Jews during Hitler’s regime. Although EANN is run by a few Adventist individuals, it is not an official institution of the SDA church in Germany but a privately funded online news magazine that designates itself as an “Independent Journal for Religion, Church and Society”. Three points specifically were brought up as points of contention: 

*The usage of the words “little yellow cloth” [German “gelbes Tüchlein”] in reference to the markings the Jewish people had to wear during the post Napoleonic era and during Hitler’s regime. 

The usage of the word “herded” when referring to the situation of the Jews after the end of the war as a result of Hitler’s persecution and their transference to the newly formed State of Israel, as well as the lack of compassion on the part of many countries, including Canada, the UK, and others who refused entrance to Jews that had escaped the Nazi totalitarian regime. 

The use of quotes from the book Facts are Facts by the Jewish author Benjamin Freedman, as evidence that most Jews aren’t really of Jewish descent, because Freedman is considered an anti-Semitic.

     The writer of the EANN article felt these comments were derogatory towards the Jews and as a result raised severe opposition towards Walter Veith, accusing him of anti-Semitism and a “relativization of the holocaust” because Walter connected it to secret plans to create a modern Jewish State in Palestine.

     When the SDA leadership of the two German unions was confronted with these allegations, including a personal letter of the EANN author to the two union presidents, it attempted to make contact with Veith without success. Since they felt that the situation was potentially explosive in nature the German Union (including the SDA administrators of Austria and Switzerland) decided to take immediate action by publishing a statement which condemned in very strong terms Veith’s usage of “herding” and “little yellow cloth”, his manner of dealing with other religions as well as his supposed “conspiracy theories” about the involvement of secret societies in history and in general. They requested that local churches not provide a platform for “events like this”. The statement was to be circulated via email to all pastors and elders, via Adventist press agencies, and printed in the monthly church organ “Adventisten Heute”. Furthermore, the document was styled as a reiteration of an official 2005 statement of the German speaking SDA church where it confessed its shortcomings during the time of the Nazi regime thus lending momentous significance to the statement against Walter Veith.

As soon as Walter returned to South Africa, he wrote the following letter to the German brethren explaining that he did not mean anything derogatory in his remarks, and that the expression “little yellow cloth” was due to German being his second language. The letter follows:

To whom it may concern

Dear Brethren in Germany

     I wish to briefly respond to the allegations of anti Semitism during my recent visit to Germany.

     Let me assure you brethren that I am not by any stretch of the imagination an Anti Semite.

     Indeed, any form of racism is abhorrent to me and having grown up in South Africa I have firsthand experience regarding this issue and have been an ardent campaigner against racist injustice all my life. Also, as South African, I was probably not attuned to the hypersensitivity of the current German nation regarding the injustices perpetrated on the Jews by the Nazi regime and my comments have thus been misinterpreted. As you well know, German is not my first language and I believe that some of the supposed statements regarding belittling remarks such as “gelbesTuechlein” stem from my linguistic inadequacy in this department and certainly not from malicious intent as some hope to surmise. Moreover, the treatment the Jews received in Germany and for that matter from many other nations as well can only be described as diabolical and there was certainly historic ‘herding’ involved to the shame of all who practiced it. Moreover, ‘herding’ is the modus operandi of Christ’s adversary, who is herding the whole world into a collective mindset which will result in the final persecution of God’s antitypical Israel.

     This is not a conspiracy theory but a prophetic reality and the Spirit of Prophecy warns that if we associate with those who war against Christ we will soon come to see matters in the same light as they and lose our discernment. I plead with you dear brethren to note the serious times we are living in and heed the warnings that God has so graciously given us through the Spirit of Prophecy.

     The purpose of the lecture was to show that literal Israel (both physically and theologically) can in no way represent the ‘Spiritual Israel’ of the Bible and that any theological gymnastics to the contrary cannot negate this fact. Indeed this is the Advent position and stands contrary to most modern theological views held by other evangelicals. My purpose was not to attack the Jews but to defend the Advent position. Of necessity the Advent position will create controversy as it stands in juxtaposition to all other views. It is my sincere wish that that all people, including the Jews, will accept the Advent position which glorifies Christ and firmly establishes Him as Saviour and Ruler of the ‘Israel of God’.

     Since it is obvious that some misconstrued my comments as derogatory to the Jews I again wish to reiterate that that was not my intent and I sincerely apologize if it came across that way.

Hopefully this matter can now be laid to rest.

Your brother in Christ

Walter Veith

     Veith’s letter was sent to the German Unions, Conferences, and Inter-European Division (EUD) along with the following cover letter written by Amazing Discoveries Germany that contained a significant statement of Arno Hamburger, member of the Nuremberg City Council and first Chairman of the Jewish Religious Community (IKG). In order to put the allegations to rest, AD Germany had taken the DVD in question to him asking for a personal evaluation concerning the charge of anti-Semitism. Here is AD Germany’s cover letter with Hamburger’s comment included:

Nov 16, 2012

[Translated into English from German original]

Dear Günther, Brothers in the Union, Conferences and EUD,

     As you all know already, a “storm” has been unleashed as a result of the biased article by the private news agency EANN. While the negative attitude of EANN towards conservative preachers such as Walter Veith is certainly not news to the SDA leadership, it took us quite by surprise to read with what hasty vehemence the SDA leadership has publicly fallen into line with the allegations, and thereby sided with the accusers without preserving due objectivity.

     It is much to our regret that the leadership has not waited for a statement from Walter Veith, but instead “informed” all of the churches [in Germany] immediately. Of course, we understand that if there was an actual case of anti-Semitism then it is important to react quickly. If certain expressions of an Adventist speaker revealed an anti-Semitic attitude and therefore might seriously damage the Church’s reputation, then it would be reasonable and imperative to take action. But these circumstances were definitely not applicable in the case under consideration.  

     There should be no question with any of us that Walter Veith is no anti-Semite, and a description of the Jewish badge as a "little yellow cloth" [German “gelbes Tüchlein”] is no deliberate trivialization and not to be judged as anti-Semitic, especially when his mother tongue is not German. 

     We have taken the trouble to share the DVD with famous and politically influential Jewish citizens to objectively find out whether it can actually be perceived as anti-Semitic. Despite the fact that Jews do not agree with our Christian ideas, Arno Hamburger (Nuremberg City Council and the first Chairman of the Jewish Community “IKG” and multiple winner of the German Order of Merit) commented on November 15, 2012: "I cannot see any anti-Semitism. I would like to talk with this man."

We ask that you please forward the attached counter-statements to all churches, so that they have a fair opportunity to make their own judgment. In addition, Amazing Discoveries [Germany] will place the entire lecture on our homepage (www.amazing-discoveries.org) (password protected) with password available upon request. 

     Despite our disappointment, we would like to assure you that we seek and desire brotherly unity. In these difficult times, we wish you wisdom from above and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. 

Eckental, the Nov 16, 2012

Stan Sedlbauer [President]

Amazing Discoveries Germany